Kristin’s Book Recommendation

The plain truth is that the Scriptures never teaches us to wait for opportunities of service, but to serve in just the things that lie next to our hands.


God Is Love

What is love? Such a simple, yet profound truth. We have heard it over and over again.


Drama Queens

See what the Bible says about being a Drama Queen and the way to P.E.A.C.E.

Where Are You At?

Take this quick quiz and find out who really is in control of your health!

A God Who Is Near

I don’t know what changes will be on my horizon for this next year, but I do know one thing: There will be changes! As much as we might try to say, “NOW my life is perfect. God, can I just stay right here?” that is unlikely to happen.

African Weddings

There’s just something wonderful about being able to say you were able to see two couples get married and be a part of it. ::Post by Hannah::

The Armor of God

Verse-by-verse thoughts on equipping ourselves with the armor God has provided to conquer the Devil.

Thoughts on Moving, Turning 60, and Various Other Things

As I looked back over my life, I am overwhelmed at how wonderful the Lord has been to me. I am thankful to the Lord for every year of my life. I am thankful for my salvation and for the opportunity to serve the Lord with my life…

Is It Real To You?

Like a child letting go of her father’s hand while perched upon the balance beam, there is that exciting, fearful, anticipatory feeling knowing all must be well because my father stands so near, yet knowing that my feeble legs must take that first step, knowing all too well the paralyzing nature of fear.

So Deep the Love of Christ

So deep the love of Christ for us,
Our sin he chose to bear.
When we had naught but hate and scorn,
Within our hearts to share.

My Way of Escape

Early in the morning I hear footsteps coming down the hallway, “Hi, Mommy!” a cheerful 2-year-old voice says as he opens the curtains and sends blinding sunlight into my weary eyes. “Lord, do I have to do this again?” I silently cry out to God in desperation and exhaustion…

The Visit

“For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.”

Window Washing Solutions

Summertime is a fabulous time to wash all those windows on your house! This article is going to highlight some off-the-shelf glass cleaners in three forms: spray, foaming (aerosol) and concentrate.


The Lord Our King

. One of the descriptions of God is that He is King. In fact, in Revelation, He is described as the King of Kings. No other earthly ruler can compare to Him.

Little Things Can Be Big

As we packed for two of our children’s weddings a myriad of little things faced me. Little thoughts and memories wove their way in and out of my mind as I busied myself. Naturally, they all added up to big things! It struck me how often we overlook, underestimate, minimize the little things, not realizing that often these very things can prove so important and special in future days. Little things…can be big.