“Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world; he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness but shall have the LIGHT OF LIFE.”

The light of life is when we allow truth and light to impact our lives. We are no longer shielding ourselves from the Light of God but are allowing It to expose our heart (heart=desires). The light and truth from God enables every Christian to live a genuine, transparent life before others. This is the only way our lives can bring glory to God. We cannot bring glory to God if we are hiding and pretending.
When we live the transparent life, Jesus can be seen clearly through us and this opens the door for God to really perform a dramatic change in our life. When people yield to an open honest attitude of Truth, families are restored, marriages are reconciled, friendships are strengthened, churches are unified, and many of life's disappointments give way to victory rather than defeat. This is the power of God’s Light upon a transparent heart.
“Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness.”
“If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth:”
“And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.”
As Christians, we house the light of life yet we still live in a dark world where we can be influenced and oppressed by the powers of darkness. It's easy to be sucked into the darkness, away from the Light. We live in darkness when we focus on looking perfect to others or doing good things to be praised by people. From a distance this darkness appears to be shining and yet will always leave us groping and stumbling.
The pursuits of beauty, fashion, popularity and even God-given talents can lead us into darkness. Listening to our loud lusts and ignoring God’s still, small voice always ends in darkness. We also live in darkness when we convince ourselves that looking Christian is better than knowing Christ.
These are the very thing Satan uses to blind our eyes! Without the Light of Light, we are easily deceived. Wherever there is sin, there is an absence of light
We live in the Light when we focus on growing closer to the Lord through reading, considering, and acting on the Word of God. We live in the Light when we speak honestly to God through prayer and listen for His still, small voice. We live in the Light when we step out by faith and obey His whispers of “give,” “go,” “forgive” and “love.” We live in the Light when we share our struggles, burdens, and concerns with another sister in Christ. We live in the Light when bear another’s burden.
The real test to whether we are living in the Light or in darkness are when objects and obstacles are thrown our way. When faced with a trial, frustration, or injustice, do we live in darkness by reacting with pride, hypocrisy, or self-righteousness (all which “have a form of godliness” but deny having God’s power). Or, do we walk in the light and respond in humility (knowing our strength only comes from God) and transparency (admitting that we need God)?
God’s light shining in our hearts is spiritual armor that protects us from the world, our flesh, and the devil.
“The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light.”
If we desire to capture a beautiful life story with conclusions that honor God, we must have a clear, transparent lens secured to our past, present, and future goings. We must be daily looking into the mirror of God’s Word so as to fashion ourselves with grace and humility and not another mask of good works or vanity. We must allow the Light of Truth to illuminate every corner of our heart so we can remove the objects that obstruct God’s light from shining in and through our life.
Transparency brings joy.
Transparency brings relief - no more hiding.
Transparency brings freedom - no more pretending.
Transparency brings healing - especially in relationships.
Transparency brings power - God uses us for a great work.
Transparency is all about the Light - Jesus Christ.
God’s desire for you is to let your light shine before others. The purest light you can shine is one where you are living honestly and humbly. It’s all about the Light, Jesus. May we in 2019 come out from behind the mask and be a transparent object Jesus can shine brightly and clearly through.