Dear ladies,
Have you ever thought about signs and symbols? They are everywhere giving us information, direction, and warnings. Until recently after reading a Facebook post about funny signs across America and listening to a serious message about the warning signs in scripture, I had never thought much about them, only obey them as much as possible.
Truly the signs of an apostle were wrought among you in all patience,
in signs, and wonders, and mighty deeds.2 Corinthians 12:12
“When life gives you more than you can stand...kneel” may be a good sign for the ministry. The deeper we go into the truths in God’s Word the more reasons or excuses our visitors, even our members, have for not being able to come to services. The Lord has led Jeff to teach on the Christian life, family matters, and just recently on God’s Grace. Please continue to be in prayer alongside us as we seek the Lord for His wisdom in all areas of ministry.
A sign surrounding our grandchildren may be worded like this “Warning – risk of high noise levels in this area.” Those of you who do not like the sounds of joy, laughter, and crying coming from children should avoid the homes of our daughters. From the joys of Christmas and selling cookies to the laughter that more snow than our granddaughter, Lydia, has ever seen at one time can bring. Unfortunately, there also have been tears of disappointments, illnesses, and bullies at school.
Each week when we speak with James he shares with us some of the most exciting information and news. He is into so many things on campus, enjoys his work at the computer center and at the pizza restaurant, and serves the Lord through music. James was recently able to buy a car, which has broadened his horizons. “A storm broke loose in my mind.” This is a quote by Albert Einstein, not necessarily a sign, but for those who know James --he is always brainstorming.
“Caution – Construction zone” this is the sign that should be hanging on the door leading to David’s room. David is currently sorting, packing and preparing items for college. If David is granted the Summer Work Program at college, he will be returning to the United States in May. Also we would ask that you pray for David. Last year, we dealt with his urinary tract problem in the least invasive way possible which at first seemed to solve the problem, but recently he has been back to the hospital for the same issues and is now scheduled for surgery at the end of March.

As for me, priority is David’s final 8 weeks of high school and, of course, my husband. We are planning David’s graduation ceremony for the first week of May. I am looking forward to finally completing the homeschooling of our children. I have enjoyed schooling each one of them, but now it is time to retire that ‘’hat.” Some weeks, I am so busy with the many aspects of our life that I think I am asleep some nights before my head hits my pillow. Several days ago, Jeff told me that there should be a sign over my head that reads “Danger- high voltage.”
Love and prayers,
Debra Allison

About Debra Allison
The Allison family has been faithfully ministering to the people of Prague, Czech Republic since the summer of 2002. Debra loves being a grandmother of four and enjoys writing on their family blog. You can read about their ministry and family at

“Designed to promote Biblical living for today’s Christian Woman.”
It is our highest desire that this publication encourages and edifies ladies in their daily walk with the Lord and strengthens them in their God-given role as wives, mothers, daughters, and servants of the Lord Jesus Christ.