Donna’s Parents, Jack & Sally Coulton
My Dad is the best! His subtle sense of humor has always kept us smiling! While I was growing up, Dad, in his quiet manner, taught me many valuable things simply by his example. Things that still stick with me even today!
~ Daddy helped me as a little girl to face my fears, such as gathering the eggs from the chicken coop even though I was afraid of the rooster!
~ He let me have fun being a tomboy – playing baseball, climbing trees, riding in the back of his pick-up truck, and playing in the crick (aka creek.) He took us fishing, let us tag along when he went dove hunting, and I learned that it’s not a good idea to put wild berries into my pocket!
~ I remember Daddy telling me, “Don’t wish your life away.” I used to wonder exactly what that meant, but I soon came to understand.
~ Dad is still an example of one who gets up early in the morning and is a hard worker. I’m always proud of his work-worn hands and the way he can carry a whole basket of his garden tomatoes high up on his shoulder!
~ It was my Dad who helped me learn the skill of backing the car (straight!) into a parking spot.
~ Dad has always been faithful to his ministry of service to the Lord. For many years he drove a church bus, picking up children to bring them to church. Just quietly, steadily, consistently serving.
Thank you, Dad, for loving us, praying for us every day,
and for being a faithful man of character!

Here Is What Donna's Daughter, Brittany, Had to Say about Her Mom....
Ever since I can remember, my mom has been my role model. She’s always pushed me to work harder, to love more, and to be kinder. She guided me through the rough times and rejoiced with me in the good times. She always listens lovingly while I ramble on . . . and on. She keeps me on track with my Bible-reading and my spiritual life. She taught me how to cook, bake, and keep house. She taught me that I should never change my personality to suit someone else. She taught me to be me.
Thank you, Mom, for all the hug-and- cookie talks, for all the times you made me laugh until I cried, for all the words of encouragement and support, for just being there when I needed someone to talk to. Mom, you made me who I am today, and whether that’s good or bad is a matter of opinion.

“Designed to promote Biblical living for today’s Christian Woman.”
It is our highest desire that this publication encourages and edifies ladies in their daily walk with the Lord and strengthens them in their God-given role as wives, mothers, daughters, and servants of the Lord Jesus Christ.