5 Things Every Young Lady Should Strive to Be

By Jackie Gable

1. Joyful

…he that is of a merry heart hath a continual feast.” Proverbs 15:15b

Life is full of ups and downs. It can be unpredictable at times and even feel like things are out of control. It is at those times we must exercise the joy of the Lord. So, what is the joy of the Lord? It is being thankful and content is the circumstances of life. The opposite of joyfulness is frustration. Frustration sets in when we become unthankful and self-centered. A lack of joy can easily turn into bitterness. We have much to be thankful for—don’t forget the daily blessings of God and become a sour, unhappy young lady. Joyfulness, especially in a women, is attractive as well as an inspiration to others.

2. Respectful

Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake…” I Peter 2:13

I will touch on this subject more extensively in next month’s article. Respect, or submission, is a part of everyday life. Sadly, it seems to be a fading characteristic in today’s society. Did you know that the Lord expects you to show equal respect to everyone? Maybe you respect your father but you disrespect guys your own age—or vice versa. Perhaps there is another woman whom you respect greatly, yet show disrespect daily to your own mom. It is clear in the Word of God that we must submit, or respect, each other, regardless of who they are. I Peter 5:5b says“…Yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility…”A godly young lady will always show respect, even if the respect is undeserved. This characteristic produces a sweet, graceful, respectable woman.

3. Friendly

Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.” Proverbs 27:17

Emily Dickinson said, “My friends are my estate.” She was a wise woman in saying so. She obviously valued the friendships she had in her life. Having friends and making friends is an important thing in life. Friends not only cheer us up but they can also help us grow and change us into a better person. Friends should no doubt be chosen carefully. However, it is never wrong to be friendly to someone who may not seem like a suitable friend. Making friends and keeping friends involves work. It involves stepping outside of your comfort zone. Making time for friends can be challenging at times, especially as life gets busier. A friendly face is never forgotten; a good friendship can never be replaced. Value your friendships.

4. Resourceful

Laziness may appear attractive, but work gives satisfaction.” -Anne Frank

Being resourceful doesn’t necessarily mean you can only shop at the discount, second-hand stores. Being resourceful is two-fold: making good use out of what you have, and using your time with the energy you have. There are so many ways you can be resourceful. Shopping around is an obvious one. It is so easy to see something and buy it on impulse without first shopping around or considering first if you really need it. There is nothing wrong with buying something special or expensive every now and then, but it should be thought out first. As a single lady, developing resourcefulness in your life is invaluable. When married life comes there may be a higher demand for it—the housework never goes away and now it’s your job to plan dinners! There will be no time for laziness and a resourceful wife will make a happy husband.

5. Feminine

“She maketh herself coverings of tapestry; her clothing is  silk and purple.” Proverbs 31:22

Most of us know what clothes are modest and what are not. Therefore, I will not define modesty. My challenge to you, however, is to consider what type of modest clothes you’re wearing. There’s nothing wrong with dressing down in a nappy t-shirt and jean skirt with your hair in a messy bun and no make-up every once in a while. But as women this thing of outward dress is important. If we put little or no effort into our appearance it sends a message of laziness to others.

Taking simple steps to improving our appearance is all it takes.

-Spending an extra 5 minutes to do your hair in the morning or even learning new ways to do your hair. Variety can make things fun.

-Choosing clothing from the Women’s or Misses departments verses the Junior department.

-Purchasing clothes that fit you properly—not too small or too big. The best way you can look more feminine is to choose clothes that complement your body. For example, if you tend to be more top-heavy, wear blouses with patterns. If you’re on the shorter side, wear knee-length skirts verses skirts down to the ankles.

-Choose natural colors for makeup and wear shoes that balance/match your outfits.

The Proverbs 31 woman is a great example of someone who thought little of her own beauty, yet adorned herself with modest, honorable clothing. In that, she showed the true beauty of her soul.


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