Michelle’s April Update

From Michelle Castner

Dear Ladies,

Here we are again at the end of another busy month!!  The time just goes by too fast!  This has been a very interesting month for us.  We began a new routine in our house.  Garry is gone the first part of the week ministering up in the north to those that have been devastated by the earthquake.  That means getting the groceries bought and everything in town done before he leaves since we only have one car and he leaves with it!!  Once he is gone we don’t go anywhere!  My father-in-law is also living in town with Senora Alicia.  We decided it was safer for him to be closer to his dialysis and the hospital in case of any emergency.  He is still fighting a nasty sore on his foot and needs to go every day to the hospital to have it cleaned and re-bandaged.  It is getting a little better but he has a long way to go.

If you have been keeping up with my husband’s updates you already know that the Lord is doing some remarkable things in the hearts of the people that my husband is ministering to.  It is something that we have longed to see happen here in Chile and it has taken an earthquake to make it happen.  We are very happy that the Lord allowed us to be here during this time and that with the ordination of brother Carlos and him becoming the Pastor in Loncoche my husband is free to move on and serve the Lord.  Many of you have asked me how this all affects us returning for our furlough.  All I can say at this moment is that we are living one moment at a time and walking through the doors that the Lord is opening.  Our house has been rented and we have to be out of it at the beginning of May.  As a family, we will be traveling together next week up north with my husband to see and experience what he has been experiencing all these weeks.  We believe it is possible that the Lord would have us stay here in Chile a little longer to see what will come of the sowing of His Word in the hearts of these needy people.  As of yet we have not made any final decisions and would ask that you PRAY for my husband that he would know exactly what the Lord would have him to do.

In the mean time, I am packing!!  There are days I feel overwhelmed with all that needs to be done!  Brother Carlos’ wife Teresa came and stayed with me for 2 days to help me and that was a real encouragement.  I know that the Lord will supply the strength and ability to do all that needs to be done and give us peace about all the changes that are taking place in our lives.  Many of you have been an encouragement to me and I REALLY appreciate it!  We understand that all of this is not about US…..it’s about THEM.  Those that need to hear the gospel and be given the opportunity to respond to it.  If that means that we have to change our plans then we are willing to do that.  The Lord has brought us to that place in our lives. Thank you for your prayers!




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