
In vain she tried to remove the matted knot from her beautiful locks only to finally heed to her mother’s wisdom. Cutting out the tangled hair seemed at the time quite devastating, but once done, it wasn’t so bad. In fact, her hair looked and felt much better.


Overwhelmed and Overanalyzing

How often have I been lovingly encouraged not to over analyze. How often I have tried to fix my problems by thinking, and thinking and thinking them out. Have you ever wondered why we think overanalyzing is going to help a situation? I have found myself having to make a phone call and pondering what exactly I’m going to say and what the other person might reply. As women we really do tend to over think way too much!


Called By God?

There is a question that has been debated for years in theological circles. That is the question of whether the minister’s wife should feel a divine call from God. On one side you have those who say that unless the wife receives a special call from God, she will never be able to stand up under the stresses and strains of the ministry. Others say that if a woman is being led of the Lord to marry a minister, and is willing to make the necessary sacrifices cheerfully, and take on the many extra burdens of being married to a minister for the Lord’s sake, then she can consider that a leading into the Lord’s work.

Waiting for Life to Start

Have you ever felt like some looming circumstance was preventing you from doing what God wanted you to do? Have you ever felt second-rate, just because you didn’t have a marital status? Have you ever wondered how you can be an influence when you don’t have a child? Have you ever felt you couldn’t be a witness when you don’t have a secular workplace?

Sow Good Seed

Good seed being sown produces a blessed harvest. In fact, all seed sown produces a harvest of one kind or another: blessing or cursing. Mother, you are sowing seed all the time. With your words, looks, body language, actions, and choice, you are sowing seed.

Growing a Spiritually-Strong Family

If your desire is to raise a spiritually strong family for the Lord, then you may be interested in reading the book, “Growing a Spiritually Strong Family” by Dennis and Barbra Rainey. There are ten sound biblical principles that are found in this little 4×6 book. Growing spiritually is a lifelong endeavor; but if you apply these sound biblical principles, you’ll discover the spiritual vitality that you are looking for.

The Price of Freedom

The air was hot and humid, or sometimes very cold,
But the soldiers never hesitate to do as they are told;
They valiantly follow their leader, ready to give their all,
And they never hesitate though many soon will fall.

Spinach & Strawberry Salad

Karen Beckman brought this really great variation of Spinach & Strawberry Salad to a ladies meeting a few years back. She shared the recipe with me then and I have loved making it since. It is really delicious and so eye appealing. The dressing is an especially palatable combination of ingredients. There are no set amounts for the lettuce, almonds, spinach,…you be the judge. So easy, so beautiful, so luscious!


Dealing with Food Allergies

When worse came to worst, Karley was just three years old and we spent the night in the ER trying to figure out what was going on. After X-Rays and blood work, IVs, poking and prodding, we were sent home to search for ourselves looking for the root cause of her rapidly growing physical symptoms. They were so bad that she could not get off the couch, her belly swelled up like she was pregnant, she rolled up in a ball on the couch because of her pain.

Tick Tock, Tick Tock

There it is, I thought, I’ll just buy one of those, no, two of those. We have the money, who cares if I’m a little over budget, we need one right now! But, as I drove to the store I thought about my rationale a little bit and realized another two cents tip!

Michelle Castner – The Castner Chronicles

Greetings from a beautiful Chile! We are enjoying cooler days, the sounds of the children returning to school, and the changes in scenery that the early fall brings. We are also in the process of packing up our house and preparing for our furlough back to the States. We are looking forward to being at home and spending time with our home church and visiting our supporting churches.


Beverly Hammett – Streams in the Desert

Many things have happened since our last update. I would love to tell you everything, but I shall limit myself to 3 cultural experiences.

The first and biggest cultural experience was my husband’s case of malaria. When he woke up on Monday morning complaining about a severe headache, muscle pain, joint pain so severe he could hardly walk, chills, fever, and feeling very tired, my nurse’s brain immediately thought, “Malaria.”

Kristin Hammett – Village Vista

It’s a lovely Saturday afternoon here in South Africa. As I write, I am sitting on my back porch. Everything is a very vibrant green with the recent rain we’ve had. There is a pleasant breeze blowing. There are a few exotic birds frolicking in the nearby tree. There is also a distant Patch the Pirate CD playing. 🙂

Debbie Wilhite – Africa’s Ambassadors

Due to rains and other circumstances it had been awhile since I’d walked the large circle of our driveway. Last week I picked up the pace, so to speak, and donned my sneakers, grabbed a book of Scriptures to meditate on as I made the rounds, and headed for the dirt path.



I recently read through the book of Joshua, and over and over again in that book, the Lord instructs Joshua to be courageous and strong! Certainly Joshua’s soldiers needed to demonstrate courage as they conquered cities and fought wars, but is courage important for a young girl, too?

That Little 3-Letter Word

I’m sure you’re wondering which three-letter word to which I’m referring. It’s a word that perhaps strikes a little embarrassment, as well as allot of curiosity, in your mind. Yet it’s something you’re familiar with—thanks to that box located in the middle of your family room. It’s most likely a verbal taboo amongst some of your friends and especially your parents! Yep, that three-lettered word I’m talking about it sex. (Wipe that smile off your face young lady ;o)

Life – Curveballs, Confusion and Chaos?

In praying for what topic I should write this month’s article on, I kept drawing a blank. But then while I was reading in Deuteronomy I came across the verse that begins with this statement: “And now, Israel, what doth the LORD thy God require of thee…” After reading through the chapter, I couldn’t let go of a question that had begun to rise up in my heart. “As a woman what is required of me?” In my job, in my family life, in my daily routines there are many things that are required of me. But what does the Lord require of me?


Finishing With Joy

As you already know, the final push to the deadline of anything is often the most daunting time period, too. Not only are we in the last days of this pregnancy, but we are in the last few weeks of our school year, trying to patiently wait out these lingering weeks of cold, winter-like weather, and striving to keep the kids focused on finishing the school year well and not going stir-crazy in the process!


Just Be You!

What does a “minister’s wife” look like? Well, they come in all sizes, shapes, and styles. Some are tall, some are short, some are skinny, and some are more round. They also come in all varieties. Some are outgoing and boisterous, others are more reserved. Some are the life of the party, but others enjoy being more in the background. Some are out front leading the troops in the charge, while others work behind the scenes. Some like to wear their hair long; others prefer a more short variety. Some like to wear classy clothes; others tend to like the country look.

The Planting Season

What is it that you possess? Valuable to you is your time. Benjamin Franklin once said, “Doth thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that is the stuff life is made of.” Each day is filled with moments that we can use for His glory and honor. Our every service can be devoted to Him and done as for Him. If we don’t waste our time plodding through our daily tasks, then we will have time “left over” to do that which God has equipped us to do, thereby being a blessing to others.