Kristin Hammett – Village Vista

We began our traveling the end of June. For deputation, and our last furlough, we had a travel trailer. So traveling with just a minivan was new to us. While both ways have their pros & cons, we had a good trip. This particular trip, we were in Missouri, Kansas, Colorado, and Ohio. Along the way we were able to spend a week with each set of grandparents. It always works out nicely when you have supporting churches nearby family. This was special as none of our family in the Midwest had met Luke yet! We have lots of memories and pictures were captured.


Beverly Hammett – Streams in the Desert

We just said good-bye to the last of the ladies group that was here. It was sad to see them leave—Rachel and I have truly enjoyed the fellowship. It was fun having them here and the time went by very quickly. I think they all enjoyed their time here and hopefully learned some things that will be of help to them in the future.

In a few weeks, we will have to say good-bye to Rachel and Sam as they head back to America to life. Rachel’s final appeal was denied, so she has no choice but to leave. Samuel has decided that it is time for him to come back also so he can finish with Bible Institute and hopefully earn a little money. We will miss them both very, very much. They have been a very active part of the ministry here and very involved in the work.

On the Other Hand (A Study in Perspective)

That’s NOT my new hearing aid squealing. As I write this, wrapped around my neck inside my scarf lay a wee, 12-hour-old puppy, the only offspring born to our dog, Darling, who was laid to rest today. I thought I was over my “nursing” days. Yet here we are, engaged in shift-work, every 2 hours, bottle-feeding this infant orphan. This was NOT on my list of “to-do-today” …On the other hand…We enjoyed our years with Dyanna’s dear Darling. Her companion, Happy (a Scottish Terrier mix), remains to rule the roost outdoors, barking her warning or greeting at beck and call, day or night. Perhaps she will grow accustomed to this pup enough to adopt him. Meanwhile, our family has opportunity to develop new skills and perhaps some extra character, such as patience, compassion, and whatever else the Lord has to grow us. Darling’s passing was also a very good excuse for me to cry about all the other things I would have LIKED to cry about but couldn’t. Is there such a thing as virtual tears?…


Women Who Waited

Down through Bible history, we find women who waited. Should we think it strange when we have to wait for what God has for us?

Stand By Your Man, Part Two

Last month we began to look at ways that you as a wife can help your husband succeed in the ministry. We looked at pleasing him and not possessing him. We want to continue with that theme this issue and look at another area in which you as a wife can help your husband.


When God Has Another Plan

It was Corrie ten Boom that said, “God has no problems, only plans.” How wise for us to remember, as His much-loved children, that what we perceive as problems, pains, trials, and temptations, are merely God rearranging events to fit His plan, orchestrating lessons for us in the school of faith.

As Becometh Saints – Part One

“Remember that children, marriages, and flower gardens reflect the kind of care they get.” -Life’s Little Instruction Book

I have this quote in my Bible as it struck me to be a great truth. “You reap what you sow, you get what you grow.” Or, said a bit more eloquently, “God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” Happiness doesn’t just happen, it takes a choice. A well-mannered child or young adult doesn’t just happen; it takes great pains and careful attention to details. A fruitful life doesn’t just happen; it takes planning, discipline and great daily efforts.


Encouragement Changes Everything

Everyone needs encouragement. There is probably not a day that goes by where God doesn’t purposely put people in our paths to encourage. We have many opportunities to be clean and useful vessels unto God’s honor and glory through our words and actions. Our daily words and actions have the power to change history in the lives of those around us…and to think it doesn’t cost us anything in most cases, but a willing heart.

Forbidden Doors

‘Tis faith – to break free from the shackles of sin –

Those life-binding habits that once held you in –

To close tight the doors of those miserable ways

And choose ne’er again enter those doors all your days.

Three… Six… and Nine

It may be common knowledge to some that people need essential fatty acids, but the why and how to apply the known need is a mystery to most people. Some people run from fat all together; some consume the wrong kind of fat. Neither extreme is correct. Essential Fatty Acids are known as Omega 3, 6, and 9. They are essential because we need them for health, but cannot produce them on our own. We must consume these fats through diet or supplementation.

Beverly Hammett – Streams in the Desert

Greetings from Botswana! I can tell that winter is almost here. The days are much shorter now. The last few days have not gotten as warm, and the nights are dipping down to around 4 degrees Celsius. For all you Americans, that is about 40 degrees Fahrenheit. So the house is cool and doesn’t warm up much during the day. We dress in layers in the morning, and then take off layers as it warms up a bit or if we go outside.

Debbie Wilhite – Africa’s Ambassadors

I’ve forgotten how much I enjoy the change of seasons. With the cooler weather even the air smells like autumn! A world of memories surfaces with the scent and crunch of dry leaves fallen from trees preparing for the cold of winter.


Are you a punctual girl? What does it mean to be punctual, anyway? Punctuality is showing high esteem for other people and their time. Probably you have heard this character quality mentioned in relation to being on time for something, right? Punctuality is so important for girls to learn, but it is often missing from their lives.

Misunderstood Hypocrisy

One of the biggest misconceptions amongst Christian teenagers (or those simply raised in a Christian home) is about hypocrisy. Teenagers love to accuse their friends, enemies, authority figures, and everyone else for that matter of being a bunch of hypocrites. This idea of hypocrisy has a tendency to cause great confusion in the minds of teenagers. Most of the time, the word and Biblical definition are sorely misunderstood. I hope I can clearly explain things and not cause more confusion.

I Hope So!

When we use the word ‘hope’ today, we usually mean that we ‘wish very hard’ for something to happen, although you might have varying degrees of intensity to your wishing. “I hope it doesn’t rain.” “I hope they put chicken on sale.” “I hope to get married one day.” The Bible use of the word ‘hope’, however, is vastly different.


Speak Life

Our house is full of talking! Chatting, serious discussions, school lessons, reciting, laughter, playing, and questions, questions, questions! As moms, we interact verbally with our children from morning until night. And how sweet it is, sometimes, as we close the door at night on sleeping little ones and enjoy a few moments (hopefully) of blessed quietness, right? Since I interact so much with my children, I think it’s good to take some time to evaluate how I use my words with our children


Stand By Your Man

Every man that has been called into full-time Christian service needs 3 things if he is going to be successful in that ministry: a vital relationship with the Lord, a conclusive call to the ministry, and a joyous and satisfying marriage. Therefore, as his wife, your husband is your biggest ministry. You are his wife. You do yourself a magnificent favor when you get your focus off of yourself, and instead do all you can to multiply your husband’s fulfillment in ministry. Here are some pointers on how to help your husband who is in the ministry.


“It’s God’s job to set the course, it’s our job to run it.”

“And the child (Jesus) grew, and waxed strong in spirit, filled with wisdom: and the grace of God was upon him.” (Luke 2:40) The phrase, “waxed strong in spirit”, according to Strong’s Concordance, refers to “the disposition or influence which fills and governs the soul of anyone.” Curious, isn’t it…a disposition or influence that will fill and govern me? I know of just two influences that wish to govern me: good (God) and evil (anti-God). So the question needs be asked, how does one “wax strong” spiritually?

A Faith-Full Marriage

Every married couple should read about a godly marriage on a daily basis. Just five minutes a day will keep you motivated to work on your most important earthly relationship. Remember, good and godly marriages are no accident. They must be the first priority in your life after your relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. In order to be all they need to be and all you want them to be, they need to be maintained daily.