Good Gifts

By Abigail Pasterski

Our daughter, Gracie, “inherited” this little purse from a friend, and she loves it. Dearly. In fact, I think she might have taken it to bed with her on the night that she received it. Gracie and the purse are inseparable.

One day, she was having a little trouble understanding that she couldn’t empty her entire piggybank into her wallet and carry all of her money around in her beloved purse. She sobbed, “But I want to feel like a big mama and go to the store and buy gum!” Somehow, carrying around some money, and making her own “big mama” purchase at the grocery store did something for her little four-year old heart.

Little does she know that we have a full candy box at home, not to mention a few pounds of lollipops and several bags of chocolate. But making her very own purchase, with her very own money, carried in her very own purse was extra-special to her.

So off to the store we went. Just Gracie and Mommy. We had a pleasant, little shopping trip, wherein she very decisively selected her candy, patiently waited while I finished my shopping, and transacted her very own purchase! Neither of our older children felt a strong need to buy something at this age. It is so cute to see how God made each child differently with their own unique thoughts and heart’s desires!

It got me thinking how God must view me with my silly, little heart’s desires. How important they are to me, and how simple and trite they are compared to all that He possesses! Yet in His infinite love, He condescends to provide the desires of my heart. He is touched with the child-like joy that they bring to my life, and He often provides my wants, not just my needs.

If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him? (Matthew 7:11)

This wonderful journey of motherhood helps to broaden our view of the heart of God, doesn’t it?  As we love and care for our children, we get a little glimpse of the heartbeat of our heavenly Father.  The way we adore giving our children little treats is the way our Father delights to bless us.

Have you stopped to look around at the blessings He has bestowed upon you lately?  The little things, so trite to Him, yet so important to you…have you thanked Him for those lately?

Delight thyself also in the LORD: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. (Psalm 37:4)

God has already given us immeasurable blessings through His Son, Jesus Christ!  Pay attention to ALL that He has given to you, His tender, frail, yet dearly beloved child!


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Comments 1

  1. So true Abbi! It is so amazing that the God of the universe is in tune to the silly desires of our hearts as we follow him. Sometimes I am more amazed to the Lord’s answers to my silly, unimportant prayers because it is an evidence of his indescribable love.

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