So Shall We Ever

A simple phrase, no long words and easy to understand on the surface. But a complex phrase, full of deep meaning with incomprehensible truth.


Good Gifts

Our daughter, Gracie, “inherited” this little purse from a friend, and she loves it. Dearly. In fact, I think she might have taken it to bed with her on the night that she received it. Gracie and the purse are inseparable.

Garden Fresh Goodness

Jill’s Aunt Edith introduced the family to this layered goodness many years ago. When the garden overflows with fresh ripened produce, or when the neighbors start anonymously leaving bags of zucchini on your doorstep, why not try this easy to make dish?

Friendship Benefits

Have you ever thought seriously about how important friends are to you and how greatly they impact your life? There is so much more to friends than liking the same styles or foods, playing the same sports, or even being the same age.


I love taking pictures. Photography is an art to me.I am thrilled when I feel I have not only captured the moment, but have truly captured the subject’s personality in a picture. Likewise, how exciting when I feel I have been able to transfer to photo paper the beauty of a created treasure of nature from God’s hand.

Dropping Leaves

2 Corinthians 3:2 – “Ye are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read of all men.”

Dirty Dozen, Clean Fifteen

In several past articles, we’ve addressed the dangers of pesticides, how to read organic labels and the benefits of purchasing locally. Very few, if any of us, can afford to purchase everything organic, so you may be sitting back and wondering what are the most important areas to focus on.

Michelle’s July Update

Greetings from a rainy Chile! We are experiencing a real, coastal winter. Last week we even had a real tornado! That is VERY uncommon! We are getting settled into our new home here in Tome.


A Tribute to Jackie Wyatt

This particular article is written in honor of Jackie Wyatt, who has served on the mission field with her husband George for 30 years this October 2010. With the help of Kristin Hammett, another missionary’s wife, I would like to share with you what a valuable asset Jackie is to me and to others, as well as a little of what she has taught us from her many years of experience.